Comments on: ‘This Is Only the Beginning’: Conservatives Worldwide Booted Left-Wing Governments From Power at the Polls in 2023 American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 26 Dec 2023 15:05:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Saint Tue, 26 Dec 2023 15:05:29 +0000 But those countries don’t allow the rampant cheating that goes on in the United States by the democrats. Elections are the foundation of a country and to allow election fraud is to allow the destruction of a Republic.

By: StarGladiator Mon, 25 Dec 2023 19:56:41 +0000 I’m guessing those nations didn’t have CISA, EI—ISAC nor pass the CISA Act of 2018?!

https : //youtu DOT be/MrB-MED61ro

Intend no offense against these two ladies, no doubt we share similar values, but they appeared to leave some important information: they remark on the barrage of litigation, lawsuits and legal actions, but never mention the underlying sources or cause!!!

The 65 Project, which has connections to the World Economic Forum, Chertoff Group, Kissinger Associates, American Law Institute and the ABA!

Excellent that Tracy explains the disinformation op run by the Media Matters Gang against Musks’s X/Twitter, and they sort of touched upon Ramaswamy, who may very well be Version 2.0 of Ali Alexander, the political operator/agent provocateur (and covert anti–Trumper)!
