Comments on: Trevor Loudon’s Proposal to Eliminate Foreign Infiltration Is So Radical, It Might Just Work American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 02 Nov 2022 14:18:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: stylin19 Wed, 02 Nov 2022 14:18:41 +0000 “Tell us everything you know. If you spill your guts, you’ll get to escape prosecution. You’ll have to testify in court against the…”

so everybody tells on everybody else and they all go home

By: Grandpa Wed, 02 Nov 2022 02:36:10 +0000 Can Mehmet Öz can be trusted as U.S senator? Yes and No. When it comes to China, WEF and Marxist I would say yes. But when it comes to The ME, The Balkans, and Turkey I would say NO. Basically America is rolling the dice. And hope to win

By: Whut Tue, 01 Nov 2022 18:17:42 +0000 Start with outlawing dual citizenship in government jobs or as dumb as it gets foreigners with government paid jobs. Also end the career government double, triple, dippers. Uncle Sam is a credit card spending psychopath. ISo repeal the 16th & 17th Amendments to the US constitution. It’s all about him and not We-the-People. The sheeple have gone from citizens, to taxpayers, to consumers, & now kill jabbed chattel for pharmaceutical WALL ST profits. What next? ‘”You will own nothing and be happy?”‘

By: 8675310 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 14:21:51 +0000 Going back beyond 0bama won’t cut it. It sounds like he doesn’t have any concept of what has been going on for generations. Look at What Malcom Howard said. But, he only said it after he knew that he was dying, because he knew that they would kill him. Now he had nothing to lose.

By: Tom SteChatte Tue, 01 Nov 2022 13:38:53 +0000 Great idea, but it’s naive about the one crucial element: patriotic and competent staff for the new spyhunter organization. They just don’t exist anymore in sufficient numbers because America has gone too far pansy-assed wokester. Millennials think jobs are just cash-infusion systems for their 401ks, and the only “work” they do is when they fill out surveys for all the multiculturalism conferences they attended. GenZeros will only work on their youtube channels. They sure as hell don’t want to do any heavy lifting. We older folks thought the country was crumbling when we realized no legal resident would come to fix our roofs. But now try finding just a decent human being to fill a government cubicle, much less an elected office. Sorry Trevor, but you’re 30+ years too late with your great idea. And JD, sadly you’d probably increase readership by dedicating to prepper content.

By: Rumplestiltskin Tue, 01 Nov 2022 13:16:48 +0000 I don’t mean to be hurtful but J.D. needs some public speaking instruction on how to speak in clear and concise words and tones. His style is confusing and difficult to listen to. He was much better with his written word, which was what I was expecting when I started to receive his Vlog. The difference between his written word and his verbation is glaringly different, which does give me pause, wondering who is doing his writting ……..

By: morete Tue, 01 Nov 2022 13:12:38 +0000 A lot of good ideas out there, but we know that none of them will work in the practical.

By: Red Patriot Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:50:16 +0000 Border patrol agents, Texas Rangers, Florida Beurau of investigation, retired seals, retired airborne rangers,

By: John Parson Tue, 01 Nov 2022 10:56:32 +0000 Also do this or something along the same lines, for the engineers of the 2020 election theft.
