Comments on: “Vaccine” Side Effect? Swiss Health Insurer’s Data Shows 73% Increase in People Receiving Cancer Treatment Since 2020 American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:32:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:32:37 +0000 CORRECTION: ̶S̶O̶I̶K̶E̶V̶A̶S̶ ̶. SPIKEVAX (garbled in transmission)

By: StarGladiator Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:29:39 +0000 Great article but reminds me of how endlessly tiring and exhausting it is when the ONUS is forever put on the victim class to research, uncover and figure out everything while the demonic elites BLACKBOX everything —- secret SPIKEVAX contents, secret voting systems and ballot scanner firmware —- never reporting on why the original coders all had criminal backgrounds?!?!

Why recruit somone still in prison (Jeffrey Dean and John Elder) or just out of jail (Eric Coomer) —- seems like they were only desiring a specific profile —- the CRIMINAL ONE!!!

We must depend on those valiant doctor/medical scientists like Dr. Nagase of Canada and Dr. Madej and some others, to warn us of SOIKEVAS genetic engineering!!!

While the recipients of those MacArhtue “Genius” grants ($$$) also fit a similar profile: Trevor Bedford of the University of Washington who rushes forward screeching: “It came from bat soup!”

Or Kristina Olson, formerly at UW, now at Princeton, who claims 3–year–old children can be transgenders and immediately recognize their “sexuality” at that very young age?!?!?!
