Comments on: We Are Witnessing a Stunning Breakdown of Law and Order, and the Overwhelmed Police Seem Powerless to Stop It American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 05 Jul 2022 11:58:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: sail Tue, 05 Jul 2022 11:58:12 +0000 All police need to go on a SICK-OUT

Let the liberal urban areas burn to the ground

only then can we rebuild

By: Charles Lee Ray Mon, 04 Jul 2022 14:23:00 +0000 Run the crazed, low-life bastards over when they’re beating the hell out of your car and trying to haul you out of it & kill you – YOU go to jail. Protect your property by standing on your porch or in front of your house holding a legally owned firearm – YOU go to jail.

The entire country is infested with left-wing mayors, judges, and DA’s – many we now know are paid by Soros and other globalist America-hating scumbags. It’s a methodically orchestrated element of their “Great Reset”.

When there’s no food, the cities will empty out, then it’ll be on.

By: ROY BATTY Mon, 04 Jul 2022 13:56:09 +0000 Wrong. They could stop it. Just watch how quickly they stop any decent person who tries to defend themselves against the blue haired Communist punks. The Cops jump right in at that point. Observe how quickly they showed up in force to ensure compliance with covid or mask requirements. How many Churches did they close down and how many elderly people did they assault for some local ordinance? The Cops are there to protect the Government, not you. They have become political enforcers and not at all interested in keeping the peace.

By: clayusmcret Mon, 04 Jul 2022 12:44:05 +0000 In reply to Jasonn.

It’s not just the S-head politicians and police department command officers who could stop it. For five years we’ve watched the police officer on the street ACCEPT stand-down orders while conservatives were cattle-herded into assault lines and beaten by democrat militias. No respectable LEO would have accepted those orders; yet we saw it time and again from coast to coast. Until the frontline police officers stand up for themselves, no one is coming to their assistance.

By: Enword G. Robbinsome Mon, 04 Jul 2022 09:24:18 +0000 Powerless police, or politicized police?
It’s time for vigilante action against predators.
Track them down, take them out.
Names & locations leaked from police.

By: John C Mon, 04 Jul 2022 03:18:19 +0000 Nonsense, the Police are not being allowed to stop it by the Communists in Government, the Media and NGOs. Back the Police up and they will be able to stop it in short order. In the 1990s when NYC was experiencing over 2100 murders a year, Giuliani and Police Commissioner Bratton said stop it and we will back you. The cops crushed crime they drove murders down from 2258 in 1992 to under 300, every crime was driven down, until after twenty years of success, the morons forget how bad crime was and voted in Bill Duh Blasio (Warren Wilhelm) who loved criminals and crime and stopped the Police from enforcing the law and then along with disgraced pervert Governor Andrew Cuomo push through laws that let criminals out of jail without bail. George Soros paid for Communists to run for District Attorneys offices and got them in. They backed the BLM rioter and destroyed Law, order and Safety. This could all be stopped within months if they would allow the Police to do their job and backed them up.

By: Jimmy Mon, 04 Jul 2022 02:54:31 +0000 Really not the police who can’t stop it – it’s the courts. Nobody goes to jail and if they do go to jail, they don’t stay there. Overtime, the streets are just saturated with criminals, when the criminal element should be shrinking.

By: Jasonn Mon, 04 Jul 2022 01:59:04 +0000 Overwhelmed Police Seem Powerless to Stop It?

As an old timer and retired police supervisor who did over three decades in Bullet Alley for a good size PO-lice department in Southern California, I can assure you that the police are not powerless to stop it. They are being kept from stopping it by the S-head politicians and police department command officers who have agendas of their own that take precedence over taking care of business.

Directing your attention to the radical Lefty Loons who have been marching in front of the SCOTUS justice residences in clear violation of Title 18-1507, you have a commie US Attorney General who refuses to sic law enforcement on the perps. In the Uvalde, TX school massacre you have an inept and cowardly police supervisor who directly interfered with officers who had been trained to deal with situations just like that.

Take it easy on the good street cops who lay it on the line everyday to keep the public safe. Direct your ire where it belongs, at the knucklehead politicians in and out of uniform who stand in the way of good cops everywhere. Sadly, we are seeing those good cops retiring early or seeking other employment because they are as fed up as you are with all the BS.
