Comments on: We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 29 Nov 2022 14:33:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mimi Tue, 29 Nov 2022 14:33:44 +0000 The astrology of our times is SPOT on. Pluto (death, transformation, rebirth… power, corruption, betrayal, exposure of all things buried). in the final degrees of Capricorn- the sign of ALL social structures (governments, corporations, all institutions). For the US it will entail a return of Pluto to its exact position in the sky where it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed… and becomes exact in spring of 2024. We as a country will either be re-affirming our founding principles or walking away from them, never to look back.

Laugh, condescend, insult, roll your eyes. This was the exact aspect that occurred during the fall of Rome and during the invasion of William the Conqueror. That’s the thing about Astrology, having been studied for 4000 years, it can be confirmed through objective history. These are momentous times folks.

Oh… forgot to mention, the U.S. is also experiencing its third Uranus return, the time when Uranus is once again at the exact position it was in during our founding as well. First time in the 1860’s (Civil War, second time, WWII). That starts in about 2025. Buckle up folks.

And know that this is as real as it gets.

By: Sweettea71 Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:51:36 +0000 The metric system is the only global standardization I’d agree to.
