Comments on: Weaponization of Fanaticism – Why Leftists Love Islam Even Though Islam Hates Them American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 22 Oct 2023 00:48:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Çâşëğ Sun, 22 Oct 2023 00:48:23 +0000 Green Red alliance is nothing new. Anyone remembers USSR, Egypt alliance, or Hitler alliance with The Mufi of Jerusalem? Both Muslims and lefties have the same goal, total world domination. And both hate Christian, Jews, freedom and liberty. Green Red alliance is a marriage of convivence. Both falsely believe once they defeat their common enemy they can live with each other in peace. Marriage of connivance always ends up with a bloody divorce. This one is no different.

By: Jim Padgett Sat, 21 Oct 2023 18:03:45 +0000 Racism, Sexism, Wacky Genderism, IT’S ALL TRIBALISM, Leftist FASCIST Tribalism.
Up until our founding EVERYONE WAS A SLAVE, or Subject (property) of the Crown or beholden to a Tribe, or in the case of Islam, SLAVES to the will of Allah. This idea that someone could or more importantly, should be allowed to go it alone AS AN INDIVIDUAL was right up there with: “Guess what, the Earth ain’t flat!”

This one religion (Judeo-Christian) was/is persecuted RELENTLESSLY for ONE reason, the fear that this idea of Individual Free Will would escape the confines of this religion and destroy their power structures of Servitude, SLAVERY and Old World Tribalism. -Then the Pilgrims came along and did just that. Elevated INDIVIDUALISM to a universal concept. No specific Deity required, YOU just TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR DECISIONS. Because there is NO such thing as Collective Morality, which by the way is the Fatal Flaw of ALL Leftist, Collectivist, Tribal, MOB ideologies. The MOB wants what the MOB wants, Lockstep Group-think HAS NO MORALITY.

By: David McGraw Sat, 21 Oct 2023 11:56:45 +0000 Excellent article. I completely concur…

By: StarGladiator Fri, 20 Oct 2023 21:55:52 +0000 “Decolonization” is typical Marxist/Maoist jargon, like “patriarchy,” “intersectionality,” “running dogs” etc.

By: StarGladiator Fri, 20 Oct 2023 21:53:25 +0000 FYI: (Because some of us are concerned about Real News) the ADL is a communist organization, which receives substantial donations from GEORGE SOROS and on whose board sits Yasmin Green, a manager of Google’s JIGSAW operation, which the Pentagon contracted with to track Evangelical Christians, Catholics and Trump supporters!

Yasmin Green is a senior advisor to Harvard Belfer Center’s Defending Digital Democracy Project, a member of the Aspen Cyber Strategy Group —— the Defending Digital Democracy Project appears to be concerned or involved with promulgating election fraud as its other members are Marc Elias, Dimitri Alperovich (CEO of CrowdStrike, whose primary investor is Google, BTW), Robby Mook and various NSA spooks!
