Comments on: Why Would Donald Trump Endorse NeverTrump Deep State NeoCon RINO Mike Rogers? American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 12 Mar 2024 20:01:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Tue, 12 Mar 2024 20:01:11 +0000 “When it comes to backroom deals, Trump is among the best at getting the upper hand. ”

Riiiiigggghtttt — instead of endorsing that lady populist conservative, TRUMP endorses PRO–CCP, PRO–WEF Dr. Oz, who assured the public numerous times thst Covid–19 came from bat soup and FETTERMAN ended up in congress!

EXPLAIN THE MARK ESPER DEAL — under President Trump the Pentagon and military were restructured as communist organizations (ESPER implemented DEI, communist political minder systems, there)!?

Explain the signing of the CISA Act of 2018, handing the elections and Census over to the DHS — which ensured Trump would be ousted in 2021!!!

Trump is the master loser of deals!!!

Get a grip!

