Saturday, July 27, 2024

About the American Conservative Movement

In May, 2021, the decision was made to shutter the “movement” part of ACM. There are simply too many “big money” conservative groups out there and new ones being born regularly. As a result, the founders decided to shift our focus to supplying conservative news, videos, and commentaries to our readers rather than build a grassroots movement as originally intended.

This isn’t bad news. With so many worthy (and unfortunately, some unworthy) patriotic and conservative organizations operating in America today, the real hole that needed to be filled was with sharing the truth. American mainstream media has become a cesspool of leftist propaganda; perhaps it always was but we simply didn’t notice it before. Where ACM can make the biggest impact is in being a strong voice for freedom in America, so that’s what we will be doing going forward.

There may come a time when the need for a real movement arises again, we are keeping all of our old assets and the original mission plan intact. But for now, our focus is on sharing the truth. The best way to stay informed of what’s happening today and to receive a notification if we revive the original mission is to sign up for our newsletter.

May God Bless the United States of America!

[The original “About Us” portion below has been deprecated but is remaining live for posterity.]

Transparency is key in the modern era. The old shadows that used to cover up the inner-workings of various charitable and activist organizations aren’t just more difficult today. They are and always have been dishonest. The American Conservative Movement strives to be an open book.

We are open to scrutiny and will answer any questions you may have. But first, here’s an introduction of who we are and what we are doing…

Who We Are

In short, we are a work-in-progress. When JD Rucker started talking about forming a movement last year, 8000 patriots answered the call to get involved. But as Editor for NOQ Report, a husband, and a father of four, he knew he needed someone who could lead the movement actively.

A conversation with Jeff Dornik sparked the desire to make the move. Jeff brought a fresh energy to the discussion that made it clear the time had arrived. The two looked at what has happening with acceleration of authoritarianism, particularly at the local, city, and state level, and realized they needed to act quickly.

Pastors Ken Peters and Sam Jones jumped on board quickly as both have experience taking on rampant leftism and attacks on our constitutional rights. The four came together, put forth a framework from which to operate, and the movement found its legs.

But as noted, this is a work-in-progress. We need more leaders to step up and participate. We need activists to get involved. We need patriots to help spread the word and build this movement. We need YOU.

Why We Formed

Around this time last year, the need for a conservative revival in American politics at all levels of government had never been greater. Our current leaders, even in the Republican Party, are mixed at best. President Trump has done a great job at advancing America’s agenda, but finding more than a dozen true conservatives in the House of Representatives is difficult and in the Senate, we’d be hard-pressed to find five.

Then, the coronavirus happened. And it’s still happening. Even when the disease itself subsides, there will be an economic mountain to climb, one that requires fiscal conservatism more than ever before. But the real risk in the long term isn’t the disease or the economic turmoil. It’s the rising authoritarianism that will become pervasive if there isn’t a groundswell of opposition to it at every level. Local, city, county, state, and federal governments are all at risk of embracing draconian measures that subvert our rights and diminish our freedoms.

In fact, it’s already happening.

There has always and likely will always be a need for the tenets of conservatism to be embraced by the masses, but the rapid formation of the American Conservative Movement is squarely tied to the immediate needs spawned from the coronavirus crisis.

Great movements throughout our history were sparked by adversity. The American Conservative Movement is no different. The need is great and we’re ready to answer the call.

What We Want to Achieve

Advancing conservative principles is a nebulous goal if it’s presented with tangibles. That is why we aren’t simply asking people to be more conservative in their lives. We must establish a framework through which the American people can gain a real understanding of what conservatism really is and why it benefits all.

First and foremost, we must defend against incessant attempts by many of those in power who are trying to subvert our rights. It is mostly coming from the left, but many who are supposedly on the right are also working to insert more government intervention and interference into our lives. With the coronavisus crisis comes an opportunity for these people in power to have an excuse for engaging in more power grabs. They must be stopped.

Our methodology is straightforward. We believe in the power of truth. Between leftist politicians, mainstream media, Hollywood, the education system, and many other users of leftist propaganda and indoctrination, our goals will not be easy to achieve. But as long as we stay true to our principles and maintain integrity in our approach, we believe we will break through and rally the people behind the defense of our rights and the cessation of creeping authoritarianism.

The coronavirus crisis may have been the catalyst to push forward rapidly, but our necessity in America will remain long after the coronavirus is contained. As long as there are so-called progressives in this nation pushing for socialist policies, open borders, abortion-on-demand, new gun laws, and hyper-leftist principles, we will continue to fight by uniting conservatives against our common foe.

How We’re Different

The original goal was not to form a new movement. JD’s conservative news outlet initially sought conservative organizations with which to partner. But heavy research yielded one prevailing theme: Many conservative organizations had lost their way.

The biggest problem was “executive” bloat. So much money that is raised by most organizations is spent on paying a wide range of movement leaders. The American Conservative Movement will remain lean and mean with its leadership team. Having the right people guiding a movement is very important, but there is absolutely no reason for leadership to account for a plurality (and in some cases, a majority) of the expenditures made by it. That’s not what people expect their donations to do.

Another problem that JD found, especially with the older conservative organizations, was stagnation in purpose. Many have gotten into routines of how they operate and where they invest their funds. There is wisdom in sticking with what works; conservatism has as a core principle maintaining characteristics that continue to yield fruit. Unfortunately, many of the activities some organizations have stuck with over the years are more about checking off boxes instead of making any real impact.

Habit must not compromise innovation. The world is changing and there is a clear need to promote the tenets of conservatism by engaging in arenas where the opportunity is highest. We can operate most effectively by taking advantage of technology, connectivity, and good ol’ fashioned activism. Sadly, activism is lacking within most conservative organizations. We need to make activism a strength for conservatives, just as it was before.

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We’re not here to give you a sales pitch. We’re here to ask for an opportunity to prove ourselves. Join us by filling out the form below and watch what we can do together.

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