Comments on: China Has Established a “Blockade” Around Taiwan and Plans to Shoot Missiles Directly Over the Island American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 04 Aug 2022 22:49:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Xi IS A DISGRACE Thu, 04 Aug 2022 22:49:15 +0000 Communist Occupied China is a fourth world nation and extremely uncultured, they are trapped 3000 years in the past. If they didn’t steal technology they still be using rickshaws. China’s Xi is a third rate punk and is driving China into the ground. If they didn’t bribe so many foreign politicians they’d already be gone. Xi is a fool and China will be totally destroyed if they start a war. Russia is more sophisticated than China, Japan runs circle around China as do both Koreas. Xi is a loser and an embarrassment to China, he brings same upon the Chinese people. The Republic of China (Taiwan) is the real and true China all of western China is currently under Communist occupation by terrorist punk communists.

By: XXXI SUCKS Thu, 04 Aug 2022 22:46:20 +0000 In reply to Tom SteChatte.

Communist Occupied China is a fourth world nation and extremely uncultured, they are trapped 3000 years ago. If they didn’t steal technology they still be using rickshaws. China’s Xi is a third rate punk and is drive China into the ground. If they didn’t bribe so many foreign politicians they’d already be gone. Xi is a fool and China will be totally destroyed if the start a war. Russia is more sophisticated than China, Japan runs circle around China as do both Koreas. Xi is a loser and an embarrassment to China. The Republic of China (Taiwan) is the real and true China all of western China is currently under Communist occupation by terrorist punk communists.

By: Johnny Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:47:07 +0000 All apart of the plan… Pelosi goes over on China’s request to make it look like she’s stirring up the pot. Now China has their excuse to go into Taiwan in the name of their own protection. Wonder how much Nancy and Joe made on this deal?

By: democratsRterrorists Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:36:26 +0000 Of course they are.. They know America is ran by idiots right now and will use that to their advantage any time they can..

F commie China and their friends in the democrat/rino party..!!

By: Odissious Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:31:35 +0000 In reply to Joe.

Or just deny them berth at UP ports. Sorry about the merchants whose purchased loads of chinese junk are stuck offshore. Maybe Canada?

By: Sputnik Thu, 04 Aug 2022 14:02:14 +0000 Well Poopy-pants, it’s your move.

By: General McArthur Thu, 04 Aug 2022 13:57:37 +0000 In reply to Tom SteChatte.

Their gear is shit. All they ever have is numbers. We have rods of God, you don’t know about and

By: Truth Betold Thu, 04 Aug 2022 13:07:15 +0000 I hear China has 2 Aircraft carriers, and has deployed them near Taiwan…

Be a shame if both of China’s aircraft carriers suddenly disappeared from the surface of the ocean, not unlike a certain Mullah who’s 4 top generals were suddenly killed overnight after threatening the USA, and claiming there’s nothing the USA could do about it…

Just a shame… /s

By: Tom SteChatte Thu, 04 Aug 2022 11:34:42 +0000 In reply to Tom SteChatte.

Sorry for misauthoring, Michael.The article’s tone seemed very JD-esque.

By: Tom SteChatte Thu, 04 Aug 2022 11:32:02 +0000 J.D., this is not Pukey Lousy’s fault. If anything, the Chi-coms sent her there to create an excuse to notch up their intimidation drills. But even if not, then the Chi-coms would find another excuse because this escalation was not reactionary, it was planned. Still, unless the Obama Shadow Government has offered some sort of economic assurances, China could not survive economically the aftermath of conquering Taiwan. Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of slaves would revolt when faced with starvation. And one could argue, US influence (bourgeois toys and whatnot) have only increased the People’s dissatisfaction with Communist Paternalism. But that assumes BiteMe wouldn’t just roll over like Trump did with Hong Kong, and say merely, “well that wasn’t very nice!…Oh well, back to bathing in the cheap crap you send us by the boatload!”
